July Recap & August Intentions

Hi my loves, I'm feeling called to do a little heart spill july recap/ august intention setting post as I process all the shifts and beautiful miracles that occurred this past month. This month fleww byyyy and it was the first month since quarantine started that I really felt called to set intentions. I feel … Continue reading July Recap & August Intentions

April Intentions

I'm very excited that the first day of the month also happens to fall on the first day of the week. How glorious that we can start our Monday with a new month?! I don't have many grand new plans/goals. Instead, I already feel very "in it". I feel very on the grind and I'm … Continue reading April Intentions

March Manifestations

How is February over already? While January felt way too long, February felt way too short! Anyways, happy March 1st! It's time to reflect on the past month and set goals for the next month. I love doing this because it allows me to check in with myself monthly and see how I'm doing. Here … Continue reading March Manifestations

My Word for October – Productivity

Happy October First! I love that October 1st fell on a Monday because it feels like a fresh start. I had started 2018 by doing a "word of the month" - something to focus on for the month instead of picking a list of specific goals/intentions, just a word to focus and infuse that month … Continue reading My Word for October – Productivity

Why your Girl Tribe is the Most Important

I am learning how incredibly important it is to have a girl tribe. It is necessary for me to push me to achieve my goals. To surround yourself with amazing women who are driven and passionate will only empower you to become the best woman you can be. I am blessed to have my girl … Continue reading Why your Girl Tribe is the Most Important


My word for January is REVITALIZE. I decided to start each month of 2018 with a word that I wanted to focus on and will inspire me throughout the month. Since I was in such a slump in December and the beginning of January, revitalize seemed like the perfect word to start the year with. … Continue reading Revitalize

A lesson in balance

I am learning to trust the ebb and the flow. I am learning to trust the balance. The entire month of December caught me straying far from my normal routine. As I had settled in to my new post grad life, I had developed a pretty good daily routine that I was happy with. After work I would … Continue reading A lesson in balance